
I recently performed a calibration on a clients NAD T785. The client
is unhappy with clarity of the dialogue. What changes can I make in
the Audyssey software to improve the clarity of dialogue? What other
factors should I consider to improve the quality of dialogue.

Eric Gambardella

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    Audyssey Labs

    Many of the issues with dialog clarity have to do with center speaker placement.  Cabinets or other furniture can cause resonances that last much longer in time than room correction filters can address.  Another reason could be that the speaker is not pointed to the listener's ears and thus has higher frequencies rolling off significantly.

    This could also be a simple issue of preference by the customer.  Using the Target Curve design page in the MultEQ Pro software you could start by first disabling the midrange compensation dip that is applied in the 2 kHz region to address potential issues in the crossover range.  You can also go further and apply a gentle boost in the 2-3 kHz range that would make voice more prominent.

    The key, however, is to make sure that the issue isn't arising from the source.  Test with several dialog scenes from movies on DVD or BD rather than TV content. 

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    Bill Sokoloski

    I did a design curve of 2 db in the Pro portion of bass and will this effect Dynamic EQ?



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    Audyssey Labs

    Yes, you have added bass to the reference calibration so this amount will be added to all the Dynamic EQ curves as an offset.

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