Onkyo 507 and Bose acoustimass 6

i have got onkyo 507 and bose acoustimass 6. looking for advise on how can i set them up best for great movie experience. i currently ran mic setup and it makes my speaker small but bose manual say large for all speakers and sub on. the sub has 2 knobs which i never touched one is lfe and the other bass both are on half way mark just they were they were set by bose.
also crossover on avr set to 80 hz but can go upto 40 hz so pls tell me what should i do. also pls send me manual set up for auddyssey for example speakers -5 db and hz pls tell me best setting manuaally i can set. pls provide me the manual instruction to set them.
thanks mark

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  • 0
    Audyssey Labs

    I read through the Bose manual. My recommendation is to follow the connections as shown by Bose. Make sure you connect the Sub Out on the 507 to the LFE In of the Bose woofer module.

    MultEQ will ping each speaker with the woofer playing. It will then ping just the woofer and treat it as subwoofer. I suggest leaving the crossovers and levels as MultEQ finds them in your room. There is no way to predict what these will be. That's the whole point of measuring in the room!

    Finally, check the subwoofer level that MultEQ reported. If it is a very big negative number (e.g., –12 dB) then lower the LFE knob on the Bose module and run MultEQ again. If it's any other number don't worry about it, MultEQ is adjusting it to match the other speakers.

  • 0
    Matthew Roy Nakata

    Hello Chris,

    I also have the Bose accustimass 6 and a brand new onkyo tx-nr709 and I've lost all my bass. The bass hits harder at the low end now rather than feel equal like it was the first time I calibrated it. Sadly to say I feel like I should have left it alone after the first time. The first time was more bass but it felt it was equal across the spectrum. Now my room is 10' x 10' is size range and I do have two beds in there, which a not of equal size. I hope this is not the reason my calibration is coming out awkward?

    Question for you? When you mean large or small for the speakers. Do you mean when the calibration at the very end comes out to 40hz on all speakers , does that mean small? The sub is marked 120hz after the calibration. And I was reading your above post to follow the Bose guidlines. I have the two knobs equalled just at default like Bose provided. Again My goal here is to achieve equal bass.

    Also how do I tell by some chance if the sub is not working properly?

  • 0
    Audyssey Labs

    Yes, if there is a crossover showing then the speakers are correctly set to Small.  I'm not sure I understand the problem exactly.  You say the bass "hits harder" and also "lost all the bass". So, do you have too much or too little bass?  What level setting for the sub is Audyssey reporting after the calibration is finished?

  • 0
    Matthew Roy Nakata

    I'm so sorry I have bass but it seems like its too exaggerated like the lfe is turned all the way up which it isn't. Like for instance watching the dark knights opening bank scene when the window pops open outside , it' sounds more like a pop rather than a gun shot often the glass???   I do t think this is right.   The speakers all come out all to 40 Hz. And sub to 120hz.  Just to give you an idea the sub is at the front left corner of the room which is next to a couple glass closet Mirrors.  Would this have anything to do with the different type of calibration ?  I hope not because I can't do anything abou it

  • 0
    Matthew Roy Nakata

    Sorry what i want to clarify is that I used to have a lot of bass but it was smooth bass which engulfed the room.

  • 0
    Audyssey Labs

    Is your mic placed too close to the back wall?  That can cause problems because the bass builds up there and tells Audyssey to reduce the level.  

    Try moving the crossover for each speaker up to 80 Hz.  This will send more content to the sub where it belongs.  It's not the sub that is set to 120 Hz.  That's just the LFE track and has nothing to do with the bass from the other speakers.  That bass is redirected to the sub below the frequency listed next to each speaker (in this case 40 Hz).  

    I don't know what you had before the 709, but if you didn't have Audyssey then you were probably hearing a big bass boost at one frequency.  That's the most common problem with subs.  It's not how bass is meant to be because it only emphasizes one note.  Audyssey is setting the sub level to reference and its frequency response to flat (smooth) so that it matches what they heard in the mixing room.  It should be exposing a wider range of details in the bass.  If instead of reference you have a personal preference for louder bass then it's OK to turn up the sub level in the AVR.

  • 0
    Matthew Roy Nakata

    Thank you for your help Chris. I think i fixed everything. What I did was move the sub farther away to the closet. And re calibrate. It sounds great! The bass is now prominent in the right places.

    One last question so i know that all my speakers are the exact same, for the center channel is there anyway for it have the most natural sound or should I leave all speakers at 80 hz

  • 0
    Audyssey Labs

    There's no harm in experimenting, but I would think that leaving the xovers as found would be best.  It's not unusual for identical speakers to measure differently depending on where they are placed.

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