DSX WIDE and Pro Logic 2

HI, I listen to all music in pro logic 2.Will DSX wide work in conjunction with pro logic 2 ie give me a 7.1 matrix sound or will it only work on a 5.1 feed.
Would i be better just going 7.1 with surround back as this works with pro logic 2.
I use a Denon AVR 3310. LCR speakers mounted high a 8 foot on wall but have 11 foot ceilings.
If it does work in pro logic is it cruicial the wides are on the same listening plane as LCR or is there a tolerance ie can i drop them onto stands as no room on wall so there will be a 4 foot height difference.

Many thanks

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    Audyssey Labs

    Yes, DSX will work with PLIIx. Our research shows that Wide channels are much more important than Back Surrounds in enhancing the soundstage so we recommend that Wides are added first to 5.1 followed by Heights and lastly by Back Surrounds. The Wides do need to be at the same elevation as the front LCR speaker otherwise l-r panned sounds will not stay in the same plane as intended.

  • 0
    100251 741

    How critical is speaker matching for wides/highs/sides/rears.... especially when compensated for by Multeq? And given the priority given to wides - do they also need to be matched to fronts? If using full range fronts, should wides also be full range? What about selecting speakers from the same manufacturer but Full range for front and perhaps similar models but with more limited bass capabilities (or satelite speakers) for the wides?

    For best results are there thumbnail rules that can be used of frequency extremes required for staging?

    (and thank you for the help in the past... system has now been running very well for some months!)

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    Audyssey Labs

    We understand that it's not practical to have towers as Wides.  So, the recommendation is to keep the Wides in the "same family" so that the timbre is reasonably matched.  MultEQ will also help with that, but if you start with speakers that have completely different directivity characteristics than the fronts then it will be much harder.  

    Bass management will take care of redirecting the lower octaves to the sub so smaller speakers will work just fine.

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