After I calibrate with Audyssey XT but encounter some problems. The front channels always have much smaller volume than surround channels (Dynamic EQ + Dynamic Volume are both activated). Therefore I attempt to manual adjust the volume for front speakers but once I turn off the amp then turn it on the previous manual setting can not be saved. I read my operation manual from Denon 2809 but unfortunately it has no description on it. Would you please explain how to save my manual volume setting under "Dynamic EQ + Dynamic Volume " mode step by step ? Thanks a lot in advance.
Audyssey Labs Audyssey MultEQ is trying to set the speaker levels so that they are equal when you listen at reference volume. That means 0 dB on the master volume control. However, that level is too loud for most people at home. So, we developed Dynamic EQ to make adjustments when you turn the volume down from 0 dB. As you turn the volume down, we found that the perception of surround sound diminishes. So, Dynamic EQ turns the volume of the surround speakers up at lower listening levels.
If you want to change the reference calibration, then you can simply go into the Setup Menu and change the speaker levels after the calibration is finished and saved.
MikeLiang Thanks, Chris.
Since the 0db is too loud to most people at their environment, therefore why Audyssey don`t want to set this 0db level to lower db(ex: -20 db) as a standard to let Dynamic EQ to involve and influence the volume of surround channels? This change might be more reliable.
Audyssey Labs Mike, Audyssey doesn't set the master volume to 0 dB. It's up to the user to set it wherever they want. 0 dB is the setting that the manufacturer designates as reference. It means "there is a 0 dB difference from the volume setting used in the mixing studio during the mix". Dynamic Volume looks at the volume control setting you have selected and also at the content and makes the needed changes.
Darryl Mike, try turning Dynamic EQ & Dynamic Volume both OFF and see how you like it.
MikeLiang Thanks for your suggestion, Darryl. But , the 2 benefits of Audyssey are "Dynamic EQ" and "Dynemic Volume" , once I turn it off , it is against the purpose why I bought Denon with Audyssey tech!
That`s conflict to me . I turn the Audyssey on in order to CORRECT the environment issue but get the sound that I do not expect and have to convince myself that is good sound!
I doubt if other tech like Pioneer (MCACC)or Yamaha (YAPO) have the same problem or not !