Speaker levels after calibration

Hi Chris,

I have a Denon 4311 that has XT32 (You obviously know that). I have a dedicated home theater with excellent wall treatment throughout and I am running a 9.1 setup. My main speakers (LCR) are very efficient (Klipsch LaScala LR; Heresy C) and the rest are either bookshelf or in-wall/ceiling type.  I just finished Audyssey auto setup and after I checked all the speakers including my subwoofer with my SPL meter, in order to bring all the channels to the same meter reading, it was necessary for me to adjust most of the levels. I did this by using the Denon 'channel level adjustment's test tone'. During auto calibration, I use the recommended 8 mic locations discussed here on this site. I use a very small tripod as you suggested.

A couple of questions:

1. Did I do the right thing by adjusting all the channels to make them the same SPL reading?

2. Why didn't  Audyssey make the proper adjustment during auto setup, in regards to channel level?



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    Kristoffer Scott

    I to would like to know this, I have always wondered if the Audyssey is spot on.


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    Audyssey Labs

    There are many variables that can cause differences between the Audyssey calculated levels and those found by using test tones and an SPL meter.  The first thing to do is to make sure the meter is set to C-Weighting, Slow.  Then, make sure it in *exactly* the same location as the first mic position used for the Audyssey calibration.  That will get you close.  However, differences in the way each AVR maker creates their pink noise tones can also cause variations in the reading.  Finally, there can be calibration errors in the sensitivity of your SPL meter that make comparisons difficult.

    If you trust your meter and the pink noise tones more, then it's no problem to set the levels manually after the calibration is finished.  This is a miniscule part of what Audyssey does and it has no effect on the most important part: the room correction filters in each channel.

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     After Audyssey auto setup Denon 4311ci display showed AUDYSSEY MULTEQ XT 32.  If I adjust the CHANNEL LEVEL display showed AUDYSSEY MULTEQXT DYNVOL. No more display XT 32?  Does this mean I no longer have XT 32? Also Denon avr-4311ci Owner Manual (page Sec91) showed adjust ManualEQ can be set when MultEQ XT 32. How do I get to Adjust CH? http://usa.denon.com/us/product/pages/productdetail.aspx?CatId=AVReceivers(DenonNA)&pid=AVR4311CI(DenonNA



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    Audyssey Labs

    This sounds like a display bug.  XT32 is on and there is no way to get MultEQ XT instead.  Denon must be using the same display for many different models and there is a bug that shows XT instead of XT32.  I suggest you notify Denon, but there is nothing to worry about.  XT32 is still on!

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    Setup: Denon 4311ci: 7.1ch

    Polk RTi12 (Front): http://www.polkaudio.com/products/rti12

    Polk CSi5 (Center): http://www.polkaudio.com/products/csi5

    Klipsch S-3 (Surrounds): http://www.klipsch.com/s-3-surround-speaker

    Klipsch RW-12 (2 Subs): http://www.klipsch.com/rw-12d-subwoofer

    1) Are these speakers match my HT?

    After ran Audyssey XT 32, It's show my 2 Front and Center to Full Large; Surround: 150 Hz

    2) What should I set Cross Over these speakers?

    3) Should I set Front and Center speakers to Small?

    4) Should I set my 2 Front: 40Hz; Center: 60 Hz?


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    Audyssey Labs

    Hi Allen,

    1) I can't comment on individual components

    2) Audyssey does not set speakers to Small or Large.  Denon does.  They use the information from the XT32 measurements.  If the roll off point was found to be 40 Hz or lower, then they set the speakers to Large.  We don't agree.  If you do that then no bass will be sent to your subwoofer from those speakers. You should set to Small by selecting a crossover at 60 or 80 Hz in your case


    4)I suggest 60 or 80 Hz for L, C, R in your case

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