Hi Chris. I was hoping you could help me out. I'm in the process of drawing up plans for my new house and I was hoping I could have some help if you have dealt with any of these issues by chance. I'd like to know if you prefer any single acoustic room ratio that would also help with the placement of all the speakers inlcuding wides and heights. Do you prefer having the longest walls on the display side and rear for more room for the wides or would you prefer having the longest walls on the sides. I'm open to both Single Row seating, Double Row seating, and either of these with a counter top with bar stools set up behind the seats. How large of a room would be optimum for this set up. I already have 11 speakers that are very efficient (Studio Paradigms). I have 2 dipoles for the rear speakers and 2 direct radiating for the back rear speakers. I have also already discussed with you about the option of installing 2 additional dipole speakers and running them to the same channel as my other dipoles creating a 13 channel system. What speaker placements would be optimum for these two additional speakers and should I wire the room for additional dipole speakers for the future (Front, Sides, Rear)? Thank you very much for your help.
Logan Robertson