

I have the Pro kit of calibration - firmware 3.6 (with the Audyssey Eq unbalanced). Is it much better to calibrate the room (MultiEq 32) with the "pro kit" and its microphone than with the ACMAHB and firmware delivered with Denon AVR-4520 ? Thanks Chris (from France).

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    Audyssey Labs

    Hello Dominique,

    It's impossible to predict how much better the calibration with the Pro Kit will be.  It depends on the room and the acoustical problems.  In general the benefits of Pro calibration are discussed here

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    Dominique MAGNIER

    Hello Chris.

    I'll receive the Denon 4520 next week.

    I'll calibrate first with the calibration pro kit. The four advantages you give are important.


    Best regards - Dominique

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