Since you are recommending a 45 degrees elevation of the fronthigh speakers. Which elevation do you recommend for the surround speakers if i could place it anywhere i want? and what type? dipoles or monopoles?
Best regards Jørgen
Since you are recommending a 45 degrees elevation of the fronthigh speakers. Which elevation do you recommend for the surround speakers if i could place it anywhere i want? and what type? dipoles or monopoles?
Best regards Jørgen
Surround speakers are typically placed above ear level because they are responsible for ambient sound and should not be localized. Dipoles are designed to produce a diffuse field that is more similar to what you get in a movie theater where an array of surround speakers is used to create the diffuse field. But, dipoles are only practical if you can have them at 90° so that the null is pointing directly at the listener. If not, then direct radiator speakers are probably better.
Hi Chris, what means with null?
Thank you
A dipole speaker has produces sound in the room in a pattern that looks like an "8". Energy goes to the front and back of the room, but not directly to the listener. This is desirable because it's not good to localize the sound from surround speakers. It is supposed to be diffuse as it is in the movie theater.