What type of speakers do you recommend for the side surrounds? Looks like THX still calls for dipoles, but in all of your drawings it looks like direct firing. Also, THX calls for two rear speakers right next to one another, and in your drawings you show them separated.
Audyssey Labs We recommend dipole surrounds if most of the content you listen to is movies. The diagram on our website is modified from the ITU recommendation (international standard) and they unfortunately did not consider dipoles in their document. We have no strong opinion on the spacing of the two back surround speakers. In fact, we believe that if you want to add to your 5.1 system there is a much bigger benefit in adding DSX Wide channels, followed by DSX Height channels and then adding the back surrounds.
Bob Christof Chris, in case of a room which is only 8,5 feet wide, do you still prefer adding DSX Wide over DSX Height? In that case, the Left and Right speakers are almost to the far left and right to the wall, and I should place them more in the middle (almost against the center). I was thinking in the case of small rooms adding DSX Height is better then adding DSX Wide channels. Is this a correct thought?
Audyssey Labs I think that Audyssey DSX Wide will have a bigger impact in such a narrow room. The role of the perceptual and acoustical cues generated by the Wide speakers is to enhance Auditory Source Width and that will help give you the impression of a larger space. The Wides should be placed on the side walls.
Logan Robertson Hi Chris. I was hoping you could point me towards the best speaker aray possible with the new 11 channel decoding. I am 75%ht/25%music. Currently I own all paradigm v4 studio speakers. 2- five driver large tower 100's, 1- cc-690 6 driver large center channel, 2- 3 driver bookshelf 40's, and 2- ADP 590 dipole speakers. Which types of speakers would you recomend for each of the 11 channels? Be it Dipole vs monopole or small vs medium vs large meaning numbers of drivers that would be preferred for the monopole speakers. Would the largest speakers (100's) be best for the wide fronts or the closer fronts? Is it still recommended that I have at least my surround backs monopole so I have some directional sound from behind me? Is there any channel that having a large speaker would make little to no difference towards the sound quality and/or ht experience? I am planning on expanding my 7.1 system to 11.2 fairly soon so I would love your expertise. I would hate to make any investments in additional speakers to find that I purchased the wrong ones. Thank you
Audyssey Labs Hi Logan,
The Front L, C, R as well as the Wides and Heights should all be direct radiators. The main surrounds should be dipoles. The Back Surrounds can be dipoles or direct radiators.
There is no need to use large speakers if you have a subwoofer. The bass management system will send the bass to the sub as it does for all speakers in the system (as long as none are incorrectly set to Large).
Logan Robertson Thank you very much Chris. I did have one other question. I kind of like the idea of having direct radiating speakers for the surround backs just because I like watching action movies and I play fps video games. If I also wanted dipoles on the rear wall is their a way to run two dipoles (left surround and left back) through the Surround left channel with seperate amplifiers? This would leave available the surround back channels for my monopoles. So I guess I would have four dipoles coming from two channels. Can this be achieved due to the diffuse sound characteristics of the speaker and if there are any problems associated with this can they be solved with proper speaker placement and their association with the listener? Thanks again
Audyssey Labs Yes, you can run two speakers from the Surround output if you have a y-cord and a separate amp. It will help make the surround field more diffuse.