Chris, Is a Center Channel speaker "REALLY" a major improvement if I can sit in IDEAL middle position of my new home theater room.(for movies and music). I have new OHM ACOUSTIC 2000 speakers for front mains(large and impressive speakers) and OHM speakers for front sides and OHM omni directional surround speakers. Problem is (Beside MONEY)is that my front projection screen only allows me 23" from floor to bottom of screen. OHM 2000s are 36" high and large cabinet.Can't put same as center speaker obviously. Dolby Labs always said center speaker should be the BEST speaker since it does most of the work.(onscreen dialog and onscreen action). As you know, home theater audio is usually other way around, center speaker is smaller and less expensive than main front speakers.
Chris, What is THE TRUTH? How much is marketing? I really like your company and trust you for an honest answer. Again, I can sit in IDEAL position unlike a movie theater whereas you may be off center.
Thank You!!