Distorted sound with LFE

Hi, I recently bought a Marantz SR6005 with audyssey. I use it to power a 7.1 Mordaunt Short Mezzo set-up with a BK Electronics XXLS400 sub. I ran the set-up and with music the bass sounds good and punchy, good balance. My trouble is with lfe. The opening scene of The Hurt Locker for instance has good lfe and with the receiver set to direct mode (bypassing the audyssey EQ settings) the LFE sounds tight and very impressive at high volume. When i run the exact same scene with audyssey on at the same volume there are some weird noises coming from the sub, which sounds like bottoming out. This is very strange because the only thing that changes is the receiver setting. What can be the problem? I have the same problem with MultEQ, Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Volume all turned off in the Audyssey settings menu. Doesn't this turn off audyssey? I really like to use audyssey because it makes my overall sound better.

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