I recently bought a house with what i thought would be a great theater room loft, but i am having trouble with my speaker setup. First i am running a Denon 1910 and Paradigm 5.1 surround system with Monitor 7(v6) front speakers. After i run Audyssey it seems that my front speakers sound very low listening to all inputs ( blu-ray, HDTV, Gaming...) compared to the other channels. In my old house i had to turn the level up on my centre speaker to match(by ear) the fronts for dialogue after Audyssey, but with the new room i have to turn the fronts up considerably to hear them. It seems like no matter what i do the Centre and Surrounds feel like they are overpowering my Fronts. Could it be that Audyssey is having trouble with the odd shaped room, it has a slanted ceiling with alot of angles...
Audyssey Labs Hi Rob,
I don't think the room shape is related to this. Audyssey is setting the level of each speaker so that (1) it matches that of the other speakers and (2) the system plays at film reference when you set the volume control to 0 dB. Have you measured the levels of the speakers after calibration?
Rob I don't have an SPL yet so i haven\t measured the levels myself. Could my problem be as simple as buying an SPL and manually setting my Fronts to match the level of my other speakers ?
Audyssey Labs Audyssey should be doing that for you already if you have followed the measurement instructions: http://www.audyssey.com/audio-technology/multeq/how-to
No need to buy a meter...
Rob Thanks for the advice Chris. I have always run the Audyssey setup per the instructions on the "Official" Audyssey thread on the AVS forum which is very similar to the link you gave me, it seemed to work fine in my old house thats why i assumed it might be all of the angles in the new room. I'll try the setup again and see what i get...
Rob Brooks Rob,
I too had many issues with the Audyssey setup and the surround channels appearing very loud.
My room has a strange curved ceiling, hardwood floors and little soft furnishings.
add to this very efficient front speakers (Klipsch RF-15's and RC-52)In my case, Audyssey could not lower the volume (gain) on the front channels sufficiently either, which caused a horrid sound.
A few tweaks like re-directing the surround speakers to fire Towards each other rather than forwards at the listening position, and some re-positioning of the centre channel did help a little
But, after running over the room with a SPL meter and manually tweaking the levels,
the perceived audio from the surrounds at the main listening position was still far too loud (although the SPL was lower than other channels)
so i've just put it down to strange acoustics that aren't picked up by a microphone, but can be heard by the separated "stereo" human ears