A general question about sound treatments. I have a dedicated sunken (2') HT/audio room who's back wall is a half wall w/ a counter. So, the counter being 30" that means the opening in the half wall is a good 5' in the HT room. I have 2 acoustic panels that fill in the space of the half wall for a "pure" listening experience. I also can move one of the panels to the wall just below (just above and behind the couch which its closest point is 1.5' from the back wall) to open the space up a bit in order to use the bar to eat while watching TV for example. Should I run the calibration with both panels up or just one or will it make any difference at all when I switch from a one panel to a two panel setup? I currently have it calibrated with both panels up, and i can hear the difference when I pull one of the panels down. If it will help I can attach a blueprint drawing.
Audyssey Labs Depending on the size of the panels, it will make a difference in the calibration if they are there or not. Since unfortunately the AVR makers don't allow storing multiple calibrations, you will need to pick the condition that is most used.
jiohn Thanks for the quick response though it did not answer my question which as you rightly note, would be a mute one if I could store calibration settings. I guess it all boils down to whether we are talking addition or subtraction. In the former, the order of the numbers makes no difference: 1+2=3 and 2+1=3 whereas with the latter it makes all the difference: 2-1=1 and 2-1=-1.
As you can see from the attached pics the better listening environment would be with both panels up. The question I have is which half-way house would be better to live in. In other words, picture yourself in the following two scenarios with your favorite reference piece of music to listen to. Which of the two scenarios would produce the better listening experience:
1) You calibrate with one panel up (as in pic). Move it down and Add the 2nd panel. Sit down in the sweet spot. Press play and listen.
2) You calibrate with both panels up (as in pic). Remove one of the panels moving the other into the middle Sit down in the sweet spot. Press play and listen.
The verdict? Do we have a winner or is it a tie?
Audyssey Labs I would think it's a tie. Hard to say without taking measurements.