I have run thru the Audyssey setup 5 or 6 times now and everytime it sets all my speaker levels so low that i need to turn the main volume up to at least 75% of max just to hear it at a normal level. I had an Onkyo 807 before the Denon and it did not set my levels any where close to this low. Here are my my levels and equipment:
Front R -4.5 , Center -3.5, Front L -4.5, Surround R -4.0, Rear Surr R -3.5, Rear Surr L -3.5, Surround L -4.0, Subwoofer -11.0
Denon avr 2313, Fronts - Def Tech BD7006, Center - Def Tech CLR2300 (all 3 have built-in powered 8" subs), all 4 surrounds are JBL
Why is Auddyssey turning down all my levels so low that i have to use full main volume just to hear anything?