Denon avr 2313 setting all my levels to low

I have run thru the Audyssey setup 5 or 6 times now and everytime it sets all my speaker levels so low that i need to turn the main volume up to at least 75% of max just to hear it at a normal level.  I had an Onkyo 807 before the Denon and it did not set my levels any where close to this low.  Here are my my levels and equipment:

Front R  -4.5 , Center  -3.5, Front L  -4.5, Surround R  -4.0,  Rear Surr R  -3.5, Rear Surr L  -3.5,  Surround L  -4.0, Subwoofer  -11.0

Denon avr 2313, Fronts - Def Tech BD7006, Center - Def Tech CLR2300 (all 3 have built-in powered 8" subs), all 4 surrounds are JBL

Why is Auddyssey turning down all my levels so low that i have to use full main volume just to hear anything?


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    Rob Brooks

    Have you read the FAQ on "How To MultEQ" and why it's doing that.

    Audyssey sets the levels to be 75dB with the supplied test tone, when the Master Volume is set at 0

    This is the standard Reference level that FILMS are mixed at.

    Audyssey requires this level so that Dynamic EQ and dynamic volume will work correctly to always provide the correct tonal balance for when you are listening at levels less than 0 on the master volume.

    leave Dynamic Volume turned off for now, but have DynamicEQ turned on

    how close is your seating position (where you put the Audyssey mic) to the sepakers

    Typically when watching movies I have my master volume at -10dB and i'm sitting around 3m away from the speakers/ screen

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