While listening to pandora or itunes the music pauses at random times with no interaction from someone or the phone. This happens with an iPhone 5 connected via a apple lightning connector. Any thoughts on possible causes.
Audyssey Labs Hi Brian,
We have seen this happen occasionally. It's been difficult to reproduce consistently, but we believe that cell or WiFi interference is causing the Play/Pause touch switch on the top of the unit to toggle. It seems to happen much less frequently when connected to the dock via Bluetooth although there is no good technical explanation as to why that would be...
Brian Luby Thanks for getting back to me on Christmas eve. Talk about support.
So I have some additional info for you. I was looking at it and since the rubber bumper that normally holds the iPhone off the dock was not touching the iphone and therefore it was resting against the audyssey. I had a hunch that vibration might have been knocking the connector loose. I put a folded paper towel behind the iPhone 5. No pauses have happened since and it was happening frequently. Now my Audyseey is 2+ years old and gets daily use so I am guessing that either my dock connector is a little loose connecting to the apple lightning connector or apple made the connectors a little larger than they should have been and it's not getting seated well enough to stay connected if there is enough bass to ever so lightly knock a contact loose.
The behavior is the same as if you were to disconnect the iPhone. I am betting that is the issue for a lot of people on the iPhone 5. I am going to give it a couple days and see if it continues with no issues but I was playing music for 2+ hours with no pauses.
Likely you could create a bumper that covers the existing bumper and it would fix the issue.
We love our dock so much that I bought two pairs of the media speakers.
Audyssey Labs Wow, haven't seen the paper towel trick before :-). It's supposed to be adjustable by turning it left or right to get it to the right spacing. Perhaps you were experiencing a different issue than what I thought. It could be (as you say) that the 30 pin connection wasn't being made properly. Hopefully you can turn the bumper knob counterclockwise and get it to stick out more so that it supports your phone better.