What is the power voltage of your LES Media Speakers and can I bring a US unit with me to Europe?
Permanently deleted user The power supply voltage of the LES Media Speakers is region specific. Units that are purchased in the US are equipped with a 110V power supply and units purchased in the UK/Europe come with a 230V power supply
If a unit purchased within the US is used in Europe then a step-down transformer of appropriate wattage must be used, otherwise it will cause permanent damage to the power supply.
Sven Schmidt I just bought the LES speakers in the US and brought them with me to Germany. Unfortunately I haven't read your advice before and did not use a step-up transformer. Are the speakers now completely damaged or is there any chance that they work correctly in case I buy a transformer? Thanks for your help!
Permanently deleted user Hi Sven,
I am very sorry to hear this has happened. I will contact you in a separate email to help you with a resolution.
Thank you,
Cindy Trudeau
Kenneth Hi Cindy,
Appreciate it if you could also provide me with the appropriate wattage for the LES Audio Dock Air to be used with a voltage transformer.
Permanently deleted user We recommend at least 200W.