Optical Output

Hi, I have 2 questions on my new speakers : 1. Can I connect them directly to my PS3 with an optical cable? I tried, but it was working at very low volume. 2. I have my Cable box, my Xbox 360 and my PS3 connected to my TV with HDMI. I then connected the speakers to the TV with an optical cable. I is working but on and off. It can work for 10 min and then stop and work again. What could be causing this behavior? Thanks, Marc
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    Permanently deleted user

    There could be a couple things causing this to happen.  Possibly a problem with the cable or the LES power supply.  I would recommend contacting technical support directly at (877) 655-4901 so they can help further troubleshoot. If they determine its a problem with the speakers then it will be escalated for possible warranty return.  I apologize for the trouble!

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